Curvemeister Mask vs. Layer Mask in Elements

This board is for the July 2008 Curvemeister 101 class.
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Joined: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:58 pm

Postby billbrandi » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:32 am

I found the exercise using masks in Curvemeister very interesting but also a bit confusing, given the high reliance on masking in Elements.  Can you compare the mask feature in Curvemeister to the layer mask feature in Elements?  Are they one and the same or different?  Can you use a Curvemeister mask with an Elements layer mask?


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Postby ggroess » Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:20 am

In order to use CM masks with Elements you need to copy the mask and paste it into an adjustment layer.


1) open image in PSE and open CM to create the mask. 
2) copy the mask using the copy command in CM.
3) close CM without saving changes.
4) in PSE create an adjustment layer (shot1) Close the dialog box without making any changes.
5) Alt-click on the adjustment layer to open it in PSE (shot2)
6) Paste the mask into the layer by clicking on the white space and pressing Ctrl-v to paste (shot3)

Make adjustments to the image via the layer.


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Postby -default » Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:54 am

They are similar in that the same rules apply to how the mask affects the change on the image.  The main difference is that Curvemeister's masks are all derived from channels in a particular color space. 

Elements does not provide direct access to channels, so masks are usually created manually using the paintbrush, gradient, or similar tool.  Curvemeister masks can be copied to the clipboard, and then pasted into an Elements layer mask, which adds flexibility to Elements.

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