Well, for starters, where is the manual!!

If your question is not covered in the manual, please post it here.
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Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:13 pm

It seems like each month several new Curvemeister owners ask me where the manual is.  Considering it's about 150 pages long, and took a lot of effort on the part of myself and others, it would be a shame to hide it under a bushel!  So, in that light, here are the various forms of documentation that are available for Curvemeister:

  • The Curvemeister 3 manual installed on your system at

  • There is an online manual. This copy of the manual may contain recent updates and corrections.

  • You can download a pdf version of the manual.

  • The forum provides a place where you can post questions, and interact with the wonderful people the we are privileged to call our customers.

  • When in doubt, press the F1 key while in Curvemeister for help on the particular item you are using.

  • Last, but not least, there is the Curvemeister Wiki, which is used for more unstructured material that overlaps the manual somewhat.  This is worth special mention because it is freely modifiable, and we greatly encourage you to add additional material, or simply fix mistakes or unclear language that you find.  No need to ask anyone for permission - The Wiki is a collaborative effort and you are encouraged to use your own judgement.

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