Week 01, Example 01

This board is for the September 2007 Curvemeister 101 class
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:42 pm

Hi everyone
Second attempt to post, must have done something wrong last time.

Anyway back to the first image, apart from being very light there is a marked blue colour cast which causes problems. (fig. 1)
By just moving the slider the improvement is limited by this colour cast.
Setting white and shadow points colour corrects this colour cast at the high-lights and shadows, but it is still evident in the mid-tones.
I found that RGB was quite acceptable, though slightly over saturated in the brighter areas. Colour in the shadows was very good. Look at the doors and in the shadows around the left hand corner of the house.
WGCMYK, well the K channel dominated with the result looking like a hand coloured black and white photo.
Lab was washed out but after adding come colour with the a and b channel sliders produced very good results. Acceptable, shadow colours and good mid tone and highlights. I adjusted the a and b channel for the best shadow colour around the red doors and brickwork.
HSB also gave quite good results.
In the end I had to go with Lab because of the ease to do the final colour adjustment. (fig.2)

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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:11 am

I'm glad  you played with all the color spaces...Each has it's own strengths and weaknesses.


Above is a link to a help file listing that compares the color spaces.

I personally find lab to be one of the easiest spaces to work in. 
It is very nice to deal with exposure without introducing color shifts. 
One of the other things you can try is to move the shadow point around. 
Remember that the blacks can fool you and may not be the darkest point in the image.

Good Job on this image...

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