To all of the students who have taken this class before....

This board is for the September 2008 class.
Posts: 5342
Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 2:15 am

Postby ggroess » Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:10 am

One of the strong points of this class is the posting of images to the board for analysis, critique, and praise.  You do not need a separate site to post to nor do you need to e-mail them to us.  Please create a new topic for your image and post it.  Try to size the image at 1024 for the longest side and keep the image side at or near 200KB. 

This allows us to look at your image and make timely comments to you so you can adjust and re-do as needed.  You saw examples of this in the past week and the class is very similar in it's approach. 

Please everyone jump in and add to the discussion...chances are if you have a question many others have the same one or will be prompted by yours to ask a deeper one.

It is our goal to give you the information you need to understand the CM plug in and we will keep trying new things until you get that information.  We want you to add Curvemeister to your work flow and hope it becomes as important to you as it is to us. 

Please join in and feel free to ask any questions...ok maybe not "Why do flamingos have backwards knees?" but other than that we need to hear from you...Last class had over 850 postings and the previous class had over 1500...

We are here to help.
Greg and Mike

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