This board is for the June 2009 Curvemeister 101 class.
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Postby ggroess » Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:13 pm

During this class we are going to try something a bit different.  I would like you to post your best version of some selected images from the class to the Curvemeister Gallery.

If you go to:  you will see a folder called CM101 June 2009.  Under that folder you will see additional folders for weekly postings.

The new gallery allows us to vote on the images and decide who has created the best correction for the given image.  It is not necessarily a contest since there is no real prize.  Bragging rights excluded.  We want this to be fun and open for discussion.

Mike and I believe that allowing you compare the images side by side and having to make a choice will help enhance the class by getting your critical thinking skills into the game. 

We also want you to see that there can be a great deal of variation in any given image and that what we are really after is a “More Corrected” image rather than “this one is right and this is wrong”.

Please bring your discussion back to the forum rather than posting to the gallery.  We do not want to muddy the discussion in class.  We will be looking for the images during the week in the forum, and then when you have decided that the image is “done” then you can post it out to the gallery for the vote…

Greg and Mike

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Postby -default » Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:14 am

We're excited about the photo album , which we are vetting as part of the class process.  It has several advantages over the older way of uploading images.  For one thing, we can more easily handle larger images, up to 4096 pixels on a side.  Psd files can be uploaded and downloaded (though not viewed directly on the site).  We're looking for your suggestions and ideas on new ways to use the gallery.

And ... contests are possible now, so expect to see more of these in the near future, both inside the class, as a way of evaluating and comparing your work, and outside the class, as a way to discover and/or show off new techniques.

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