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Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:23 am
by mikemeister_admin
I decided not to post my pictures of the lake because CM gave me poor results.  I'd never use CM to make that adjustment as I have other tools that do a much better job.  I'd never use a mask to change the color of the sky, I'd use my old trusty Color Mechanic Pro (CMP).  Sorry, old habits die hard. :)

I just don't think that CM is the right tool for the job here.  The inability to control color is the reason why.  In the tutorial, the resulting sky never looks that color, and I don't see any way to make precision color adjustments in CM to accomplish this.  I tried making adjustments in CM, but the results never looked right.  I have far better control of colors in CMP.

Greg, I know you are trying to teach us how to use CM, but when I know I can do better with another tool, then that's what I use.  I do try using CM, but when the results aren't to my liking, I close CM and use the tools I know will give me what I want.

If you have never used CMP, I can post a screenshot of it and show you why I prefer it over CM in some cases.  Of course, my version is an older one, so I don't know what the newer versions look like.  Again, I am not trying to promote CMP, I am just trying to explain why I prefer to use it over CM in some situations.

If I were going to use a mask in CM, I'd create a mask, then import it into Photoshop and use the tools I have in PS to make the I did with the Jaguar and fire truck.  I'd never use CM to make the color adjustments as I find the adjustments using the curves to be too radical.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:32 pm
by ggroess
The choice of tools used is always supported here..We are talking about CM but we are always ready to look elsewhere when the goal is good images...Feel free to post the image you have...We may all learn something...

As for color control that just takes a bit of practice...

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:12 am
by mikemeister_admin
Okay, here is a screenshot of Color Mechanic Pro.  In this screenshot (CMP1), you see the input image on the left, and the preview image on the right.  Below each image you see a color cube.

What you do is, in the left image, you use the sampling tool to click on the area you want to change.  As you move the sampling tool around the picture, you will see that a small + sign moves along the color cube showing you where that color is on the color cube.  I have the sampling tool set on a section of blue sky, and you can see where that color is located on the color cube.

Screenshot CMP3.....Once you click on the color you want to change, a black square is placed on the color cube.  You can click on the black square and drag the color line to whatever color you want.  In this case, I dragged it down towards the darker blue color.  When I did that, you can see in the right window that the sky has changed color.  You can also see in that right window that there are other areas that have gotten a darker blue.  If I don't want those areas to change color, then in the right (preview) window, I place the sampling tool on those areas and click on them and the blue in that area will be removed.

I removed the blue from the water reflection, the small boat, and the trees.  The last picture is my final result.  Keep in mind that I can make the sky any color I want.  I just used that shade of blue as an example.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:29 am
by ggroess
Interesting tool Art.
I can see why some of the curves information was confusing to you...You are used to adjusting curves visually by choosing the color you want for the destination rather than adjusting the curves to a neutral or using a single curve for enhancement...Not at all bad; just different...

Does the program allow you to use Masks?  Would the water adjustment be prevented by a mask??  The reason I ask is some of the blue is still present in the water...little splotches...

Thanks for sharing the interface...I can see where at times this can be a very useful tool.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:50 am
by mikemeister_admin
No, you can't use masks with it.  Those areas of blue you mentioned could have been removed if I had clicked on them in the Preview window>  I did click on some of the blue splotches, but I guess I missed some.  I did wonder if those areas should have remained bluer since the sky is now bluer.

That's the thing with that can change almost any color into another color without the use of masks.  Like the treeline....I could change the tree color with a few clicks of the mouse like I did in the attached picture.  I left some of the blue reflection in the water because I think that might be closer to what the reflection would look like with the sky's new color.  I don't know if you could do this with a mask.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:58 pm
by ggroess
You are right Art..It does not like masks...I'd have to play around quite a bit but I do see some of the color bleeding over into much more of the image than I was expecting.  I tried it out on 4 images and found that the colors I selected for change effected a larger portion of the image.

It was not overly "bad"  just there...In some cases it took the vibrancy out of certain colors that were not a part of the selection...
An interesting tool...
