What to do with this church image?

We love a challenge! If you have an image that you think can be better, post it here and see what the rest of us can do with it.
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:52 am

what is your final image?

i suppose the left one above the final of Lee Varis?

If i see a pop up of the people, not addressing the cast issue

Lee Varis just did kill, all colors there in the back ground. Quick but very dirty way imo. He did offer it as an easy way for newbs. I would not do it that way.

The issue here is how to deal with cast due to camera WB error. in a complex light situation. What Chris did on his one was on that image i dirty though very effective way to get it done.

The bandoline image. i did remove the cast and got, i think, pretty much was there when shot.  Aka removed the cast. I did not work to get the image good looking as it is not my image. 

btw here the original image:


Imo as Dan Margulis would say a bad original. The photographer did almost al wrong he / she could do. Wrong WB and wrong DOF

Lee did first use PS to get the WB at the people instead at the background as the camera did. Aka he did go just to a cooler WB temp creating a blue cast, which he simple did desaturate.

I really think this can be excellent  handled in LAB. To repaint to new intrepretation in RGB is not where i would feel fine.

Here what i do suggest to get a proper start:


If you want you could indeed go further in CMYK. to work with the faces. RGB curving is the last i would do

with a simple overlay one could pop up f.i

getting in only two moves this.

though i feel the WB issue is solved rather well

and work in CMYK on fine tuning.
What is your approach and result? Curving in RGB from the start is last i would do. But that is perhaps because i am more a LAB (basics) and CMYK (faces) HSV / HSL  (saturation) dude. Again what that guy on the movie did with man of mars, does blow my mind.

Luminace curving , i love it. So subtle and powerful for final touch.  I really love the idea, the subtility and the power of it as he did show on his movie. awsome

Chris did post on his website also some astonishing  results with Man from Mars on WB issues.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:49 am

I did went back to the beginning of this topic the church of chris.

i did apply my idea's of LAB WB adressing combined with the idea's of luminocity blending that guy did show in his movie

giving me this.


btw what you did on that livingroom is pretty awesome.

you did way better then i did.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:39 pm

Good luck guy's

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Postby ggroess » Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:53 pm

The church is looking much better.  Thanks about the living room.
I do hope you come back and visit us we never try to burn a bridge or shut a door.


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Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:29 pm

Postby mikemeister_admin » Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:11 pm


Thnx , good luck with your show nxt week.

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