Sunset image

We love a challenge! If you have an image that you think can be better, post it here and see what the rest of us can do with it.
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Postby derekfountain » Fri May 11, 2007 3:47 pm

See what you can do with this sunset image. The photo is washed out and somewhat over exposed. The original scene had much stronger colours and a rather threatening atmostphere.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Fri May 11, 2007 5:46 pm

Oh what fun Derek,
I tried the Man from Mars approach, having set the points in RGB, the rest was in Lab.
My wife says it is horrible, but I enjoyed over doing this one.
I look forward to seeing a 'proper' take on it.

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Postby ggroess » Fri May 11, 2007 7:08 pm

So very subjective.....

Nice image....


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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sat May 12, 2007 7:19 am

one, like greg!
and one sharpenend!


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Postby derekfountain » Sat May 12, 2007 10:47 am

Oh what fun Derek,
I tried the Man from Mars approach, having set the points in RGB, the rest was in Lab.
My wife says it is horrible, but I enjoyed over doing this one.
I look forward to seeing a 'proper' take on it.

Wow, you don't do things by halves, do you? :) You've made it look more like a painting.

Here's by best effort. It's probably closer to the original scene than most others - it was nearly dark and the clouds were heavy. I've over done the orange, since it didn't really look quite like that. Greg was right, it's highly subjective, which is interesting in that you can do all sorts of things with the image and it still looks 'right'.

I took several goes at this and came up with a strange solution. I tried first in Lab mode, as is my habit, but I didn't quite get the pop I was after. So I saved that on a new layer for reference and went back to the original, having another go this time in HSB mode. Making the HSB saturation curve very steep gave me the pop I was after but it somehow didn't look quite right, especially compared to the Lab version. So I put the HSB version at the bottom of the layer stack and the Lab version on top, then set the Lab layer's opacity to 50%. This seemed to give the best of both worlds.

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Postby derekfountain » Sat May 12, 2007 10:52 am

one, like greg!
and one sharpenend!


I'm not sure I like the sharpening. It looks like a posterisation effect has been applied! Where you viewing the image at full size when you ran the sharpening filter?

Posts: 4927
Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:29 pm

Postby mikemeister_admin » Sat May 12, 2007 12:51 pm

I'm not sure I like the sharpening. It looks like a posterisation effect has been applied! Where you viewing the image at full size when you ran the sharpening filter?

In full size you are right.
The only thing I did, was more saturation.
After that sharpening with Crispimage pro!


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