any suggestions

Here's how to participate in the Curvemeister Challenge
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Postby imported_julie » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:56 am

hi evryone
this is phot o taken in Myra in Turkey. Not the best phot but a good example of a problem I have with a number of photos - blue rocks. They were not blue when I was there. After a very long time I found I could fix things using a hue mask. I would love to hear what others would have done.

The last post is after sharpening, adding contrast in the red channel in rgb and increasing clolour a little bit of contrast in the midtones using lab. Feedback would be great - my family thinks I just waste a lot of time.

Can any one tell me why the red channel seems to have less contrast in it. Is it the nature of the channel or am I doing something wrong when I take the photo.

Its been awhile since I posted so I hope this works.

I have just looked at this and the colour is different on my screen, much less red
screenshot002-jpg-5 (999 Bytes) Viewed 16353 times
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19may2011_turkey_0965-jpg (999 Bytes) Viewed 16353 times

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Postby ggroess » Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:10 pm

Hi Julie,
I'll take a look as well as I'm sure some others will too.  Thanks for posting and nice to hear from you again.  I'll be home Sunday afternoon US time frame so please be patient...


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Postby imported_julie » Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:01 am

just remembered if I am asking for suggestions I should post the original. Like I said its been a while since I posted

19may2011_turkey_0965original-jpg (146.84 KiB) Viewed 16353 times

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Postby ggroess » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:53 pm

Interesting image...

I have an ACV file attached that might work for you.  Save it to your desktop and use the load feature of CM to try it on your original posted version.
You might have to "settle" on this for not being able to remove all the blue...

Trouble is when you ramp up the color in LAB it brings the Blue right back into the image. 
I'll keep working on this one a bit. 

The rocks might actually be reflecting Blue from the sky but I understand what you are trying to do.
I think others need to take a swing at it too...

(142 Bytes) Downloaded 675 times

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Postby imported_julie » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:38 pm

Hi Greg
I tried the ACV file but it made the areas look very flat. Thought later that maybe i should have adjusted opacity to see if that helped.

I am a bit concerned that what I see on my screen is so different to what I see through the curvemeister board. It seems to be much pinker/redder on the curvemeister site.
Do I have a problem?

Thanks for your help. I may not have posted for a while but I check the site every few days and have been watching the group sessions.

screenshot001comparisona-jpg (220.64 KiB) Viewed 16353 times

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Postby ggroess » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:07 am

the difference is most likely the browser handling the files differently than you r PC and Photoshop do.  When I tried the ACV file the system said it was corrupt so let me try again and see if I can get you to a better place.

I'm Glad you are watching the on-line sessions...What do you think we could do to improve them??


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Postby ggroess » Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:28 am

OK Julie...

Try the ACV curves attached in RGB mode.  I decided that there were too many "blues" too close together to be able to remove them all in small adjustments.  I looked at the "range" of the values that you sampled and settled on trying to get the rocks on the lower left in the bushes to be neutral and about 95 or so in RGB.  This seems to kill off most of the Blue cast over the entire image not just the shadows.  If the color is just flat wrong I may have been too aggressive.

After I had the color in a better spot I made a layer copy and really smacked it in LAB to get some variation into the yellows and tans.  I applied the layer at 56% to keep the Greens in check.  Lastly I used a small K channel adjustment to improve the mid tones and give it more contrast.

The attached ACV is the RGB part of the process.
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19may2011_turkey_0965original_gg-jpg (240.21 KiB) Viewed 16353 times

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Postby imported_julie » Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:30 am

Thanks for working on this.
The colours are much brighter than they were but its really good to have your input.
In the end here I have found the easiest way to correct it has been to open the jpg in raw and desaturate the blues a bit. This leaves me with normal looking grey rocks.
I can then go into curvemister and correct the rest of the image.
I doubt this would work if the rocks were anything but a greyish colour.

How do you improve contrrast using the k channel?

You asked me what I would think would improve the sessions.
Nothing much needs to be done. They are very helpful.
It would be good to be able to download them onto my computer and not have to use internet time (metered) everytime I watched them.
Looking forward to seeing them again this year.

I will probably do another class at some stage.
It makes me keep trying new things rather than just using the same old techniques all the time.

Once again

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Postby ggroess » Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:09 pm

I have been finding in my work lately that a small boost to the K channel is helping to complete my shadows a bit better.

I do this by selecting the end point of the K channel and moving it to the left using the arrow keys.  I keep my highlights on the right side of my curves interface so if you use the highlights on the Left you would move the highlight to the right....I hope that makes sense.

I find it is a subtle but significant change that has been helping my shadows look "blacker" for lack of a better term.


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