Over the years we have had the pleasure of teaching color correction and enhancement to thousands of people. These teaching experiences have confirmed something that as photographers we already assumed: people enjoy taking photographs more than correcting/enhancing them.
Curvemeister is built upon the principle that people want their photographs to look great, but they don't want to spend hours toiling away in front of their computers. The Curvemeister plug-in, the CM101 course, and this website are all designed to help you greatly improve your images quickly - so that you can get back to shooting…
The Curvemeister community is a rich source of knowledge and support, but we know that - together - we can become something greater still: a source of mutual inspiration. Historically we have only shared with one another those images most in need of correction; today we are turning that on its head, with a new community feature: photo assignments! Each month we will be encouraging you to show us your very best images. We will be running a monthly photo assignment that we would like you all to participate in.
The idea behind the photo assignment is to encourage you all to get out shooting more regularly, and for us all to share our photography with one another. Each photo assignment will be themed, with the community itself selecting the most successful image.
In order to enable community voting, and to encourage community participation, we will be hosting these photo assignments on our Facebook page. If you would like to participate in an assignment the procedure will be as follows:
At the beginning of each month, the new photo assignment will be announced via the mailing list, the blog, Facebook, and Twitter.
To participate simply upload your image(s) to the Facebook page before the deadline*. After the submission deadline passes, the voting window will open. All community members will be welcome to vote for their favorite image(s), and participants will be able to promote their image(s) via Facebook, Twitter, or email - allowing friends to vote for them!
The image that gains the most votes by the voting deadline will win a free Curvemeister 101 class, or a personal consultation with Greg.
*The submission window will be 3 weeks, followed by a week for voting…
We know that these contests will produce wonderful images - images that will inspire us all. We can't wait to see what you produce!
The Curvemeister Team: (includes)
Mike Russell
Greg Groess
Lee Harper
Photo Assignments Purpose.
We want to see you out shooting pictures!
Quick-mod tools
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