I spent quite a bit of time reading the manual from a copy I printed myself (vacation - no computer available) so links were not available to me. What I found was that ,though the detailed information is good, there didn't seem to be a good overall discussion of the tool and it's uses. It also would have helped me a lot to have more extensive information on colors in general. For example, when I found the info about skin tones being in the 12:30 range on the hue clock it was great. Granted, I'm a beginner so maybe I'm looking from a too low level, but I think this would improve the manual.
PS - I like Curvemeister a lot and am using it on the vacation photos I brought back. Now, pinning .... hmmmm..... ::)
Curvemeister Manual
I spent quite a bit of time reading the manual from a copy I printed myself (vacation - no computer available) so links were not available to me. What I found was that ,though the detailed information is good, there didn't seem to be a good overall discussion of the tool and it's uses.
Something like a paragraph at the top of each page with a discussion of the motivation for using each tool?
It also would have helped me a lot to have more extensive information on colors in general. For example, when I found the info about skin tones being in the 12:30 range on the hue clock it was great.
Yes, the fact that skin tones fall in this range is very helpful. You're thinking, though that a summary - perhaps in table form - of a larger variety of colors would be useful?
Granted, I'm a beginner so maybe I'm looking from a too low level, but I think this would improve the manual.
Not at all. The manual was written for people like yourself. This is exactly the kind of information I need to make improvements.
PS - I like Curvemeister a lot and am using it on the vacation photos I brought back. Now, pinning .... hmmmm..... ::)
I'm very glad to hear this! Keep us posted. - Mike
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