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Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:14 am
by DougJ
My thanks to Mike and Greg for their recent posts.

My system is stable; I've images to post process;  and, I can get by with making a trip into 64-bit CM as needed.  So I'm just going to bide my time and we'll all see if anyone else reports loss of GL.

In due course I'll install again the 32-bit CM on my 64-bit W7 drive and will report back at that time on what I observe--problem, or no problem.



Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:08 am
by -default
Thanks, Doug.  Meantime I'm working on a new dialog that allows you to control the folder where pins are saved. 

It's turning into more of a major feature than I planned - often the case.  You can browse for a new folder, and there is a "Fix" button that tries to open up write permission on all the files in the folder heirarchy. 

If (big if) there are no interruptions, this should be available by the weekend.


Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:09 am
by -default
Doug, Most important, I am glad we have you set for the time being!


Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:01 pm
by ggroess

My thanks to Mike and Greg for their recent posts.

My system is stable; I've images to post process;  and, I can get by with making a trip into 64-bit CM as needed.  So I'm just going to bide my time and we'll all see if anyone else reports loss of GL.

In due course I'll install again the 32-bit CM on my 64-bit W7 drive and will report back at that time on what I observe--problem, or no problem.



There is a lot of Open GL forum posts on the NVIDIA site most go back into 2011 but the issues are there across the board for Open GL and NVIDIA cards...your card was mentioned a few times in the forum strings.
I would agree with Mike that you should get the Drivers from NVIDIA and see if the latest version still has Open GL issues.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 5:54 am
by DougJ
As of a week ago, Greg, I've got the latest drivers for my video card installed.  I'll check back with NVDIA from time to time looking for a further update.

In the meantime, post processing proceeds. :)

