Questions before purchase?

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Posts: 4927
Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:29 pm

Postby mikemeister_admin » Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:24 pm

I am considering curvemeister, it came highly recommended.  I am going to download the demo and try it out.  I just have 2 questions right now (will probably have many more later  ;D ):

1.  If I purchase, do I pay for the original and then the upgrade, or do I pay for the original and get the upgrade as the original?  This is confusing to me.

2.  Is it of any use on black and white photos?  I am scanning old negatives taken by my grandfather in the early 1900s that I found.  No prints have been found.  They seem to require a fair bit of adjustment.  I have been scanning in as color and using channel mixer.  Hope this makes sense.

I look forward to your response  :)

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Postby -default » Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:03 pm

The upgrade is for owners of Curvemeister 1 who want to upgrade to Curvemeister 2.  There is no need for you to buy both.

I don't recommend that you purchase the product just for black and white work.  I do use curvemeister to adjust black and white images, because the curves are larger and more convenient for fine adjustments, but most of the features of Curvemeister are intended for color correction.

I can see some advantages to scanning toned photographs in color, and I would be interested in your reasons for scanning black and white negatives in color.

If most of your work is with color images, then of course Curvemeister is an excellent investment.


Posts: 4927
Joined: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:29 pm

Postby mikemeister_admin » Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:12 pm

Thanks for the prompt answer.

I scan my negatives in color because many of my plugins don't work for black and white.  I make any corrections and then use channel mixer.  I still usually keep them in color.

I am having a hard time with this plugin, but I will keep trying.  Most of the work I am doing involves the old negatives as I posted, but also archiving all my parents' old color photos for the family.  Many of these were taken with cheap cameras so color and noise are terrible.  I seem to be doing a pretty good job, but color correction and intensity is a problem.

Is this program better for digital photos or will I get better with it on my scanned photos?

I will be looking at the tutorials soon.  This does look like a great plugin, but I have much to learn.

Posts: 1916
Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:30 pm

Thanks for the prompt answer.

I scan my negatives in color because many of my plugins don't work for black and white.  I make any corrections and then use channel mixer.  I still usually keep them in color.

Ah - I understand.

I am having a hard time with this plugin, but I will keep trying.  Most of the work I am doing involves the old negatives as I posted, but also archiving all my parents' old color photos for the family.  Many of these were taken with cheap cameras so color and noise are terrible.  I seem to be doing a pretty good job, but color correction and intensity is a problem.

Is this program better for digital photos or will I get better with it on my scanned photos?

Curvemeister works well on all color images - there is no particular advantage of photos over scans.

I will be looking at the tutorials soon.  This does look like a great plugin, but I have much to learn.

The tutorials are important, and the manual is even more so.

People find the curvemeister class helpful.  It's in it's second of four weeks, and you can sign up via the late enrollment board.  I'm guessing that you can could catch up reasonably easily.

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