Multiple windows don't get updated in CM

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Postby derekfountain » Fri May 11, 2007 1:27 pm

Running CM 2.4.1, I notice that when I have 2 view windows open on the same image, CurveMeister only updates one of them. The other filters I've tried (like sharpen and blur) show a preview of the filter effect in both windows, which is surely the correct behaviour. See attached (and exaggerated) screenshot.

I appreciate there's bit of a difference between the way CM works with the current image view window (which it takes over and adds various controls to) and the way the other filters just use it to preview their effect. Nevertheless it would be really useful if multiple views updated simultaneously, since that's the point of having them.

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Postby -default » Tue May 29, 2007 12:30 am

I'd like to have this ability, but unfortunately Photoshop does not provide a plugin with access to any of the views, or even an indication that the other views exist. 

The sharpen and blur filters you mention are built into Photoshop, and use an internal interface that is not available to non-Adobe filters like Curvemeister.

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