Using arrow keys with Curve Guard

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Postby ggroess » Fri May 18, 2007 1:00 pm

Found another one....

If you are using the arrow keys to push a control point on the curve around...

and you push it too far and the curve turns red, the arrow keys are disabled until you click on the point again.  If you move it and the curve is still red, it disables again and you have to re-click a third time.

I found it kind of annoying since the point I wanted to move was very close to another and I just wanted to tweak it a bit.  Highly repeatable on my install...

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Postby -default » Tue May 29, 2007 12:06 am

I see - the arrow key paints things into a corner and you have to rescue it with a mouse click.  I'm reworking a lot of this functionality for Curvemeister 3 and will try to address this problem.  There will also be an escape hatch allowing you to press the control key to temporarily disable the CurveGuard feature.

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