Basic Mask Choices Article

Information and discussion of masking using the Curvemeister plug in.
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Joined: Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:49 pm

Re: Basic Mask Choices Article

Postby DougS » Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:35 pm

Wow an interesting bug? a CM issue? or my PC?
Using CM3 (for a long time now) and found this using cc2015.5
Did not test on cc2015.1 (or earlier, that I can remember; always used the default color but I had an image that did not show well, either opaque or not).

Went to change the color of the selected pixels displayed on the image when I have a selected pin on a curve.
Color choice palette window shows up OK but virtually anywhere I click; such as in the color choice display window, I get an error audio ding and nothing happens.
All is not lost as I can select the numerical boxes for RGB and type in numbers; click OK and the color works/changes on screen. I can change it to any color but menu sliders and buttons all "ding" as an error. Even the color warning triangle won't work.

I'll try again over next few days after a Ps and PC cold start/restart....I just had a weird thing happen on another plugin to Ps and after PC restart it went away. Will also try on earlier Ps versions.


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Joined: Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:49 pm

Re: Basic Mask Choices Article

Postby DougS » Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:37 pm

After PC and Ps restarts, Pscc2015.5 still exhibits same issue....the "pin to specified color" dialog box (in Lab mode on curves) color choice in colors window or its slider doesn't work, I get an error ding/ described earlier.

Posts: 32
Joined: Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:49 pm

Re: Basic Mask Choices Article

Postby DougS » Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:22 am

Confirmed the color selection window errors for mask selection display of pin point(s) in error in all Ps versions I use: cc2014 x32, cc2014 x64, cc2015 x64 and cc2015.5 x64...this after several Ps and PC restarts or shutdown and start.

Maybe it has always been this way? but I never used or changed the pixel display color choice, or don't remember from earlier.

As I said, an annoyance, in that I can specify via numerical inputs, just can't change by visual clicks on color window nor color slider.


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Re: Basic Mask Choices Article

Postby gregmeister_admin » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:08 am

I'm getting this to Mike as he is working on another fatal Bug and needs to see this as well.

Good Catch and Thanks!

Seeing is more than meets the eye.

Greg Groess
Curvemeister Instructor

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