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This forum is for the 201 Class preview testers and discussion.
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Postby ggroess » Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:54 pm

I know this has been a long time coming and I hope it will have been worth the wait.

One of the primary issues with this class for me has been the need for it to solve a problem.  It does no one any good to just keep teaching the same techniques over and over and still have people asking me "How do you know" or "How did you see that?" 

So a major part of this class is going to be learning to "see". 

You'll see it in the text of the first week and right now it seems over whelming to me...my biggest issue is...

Is it too much for one week and if so where to cut it off.

Along with any other considerations for the class please keep the time spent in mind as I want to make it meaty enough for people to want to go there but easy enough that you can get it done in 3-4 hours per week.


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