Deleting a b/w/n pin can delete a different pin than the one intended

The Curvemeister 3 beta test. Please post and discuss bugs, screen shots, suggestions, and any other information about your testing. This board is only visible to Curvemeister 3 beta testers.
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Postby mikemeister_admin » Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:23 am

...when you right mouse delete over the target pin but haven't clicked it to select it first.

1) Add a white pin
2) Add a neutral somewhere else.
3) Go back and move the mouse over the white pin. The cursor switches to the pointy hand. Do NOT left mouse button (LMB) click on it.
4) Immediately right mouse button (RMB) click over the white pin and select delete from the context menu
5) The neutral pin is deleted and not the white pin you were pointing at.

If in step 3) you LMB click then continue, the white pin is correctly deleted.

Not serious if you are aware that you must LMB click to select first, very confusing if you are not, and more so if you have multiple neutrals and you sometimes LMB and sometimes just RMB straight to the context menu. It then seems like a lottery which pin gets zapped as it is probably the last one that was properly selected which may or may not be the one you think you have 'focus' on depending on your mouse clicks. Having finally reproduced this one, I believe it goes way back to 3.0.8 at least.

PS - current beta is holding up pretty well (bar the re-size/maximize issue, fortunately my TV window is always "on-top"). I have spent a LOT of hours on it. Of the 4 issues I had with 3.0.8 I have reproduced two of them now. The other two I have seen in 3.0.12 but they are very elusive:

they were:
1) Unpickable curve segment when you want to insert a node in a curve between two existing nodes. Workaround: you need to somehow force the curve to recalculate - eg remove a node (noting where it was) and reinserting it. The segment is then pickable and the new node can be inserted. If I see cause and effect I'll report it. I've had it only a couple of times in 3.0.12.
2) Deleting, I think, a white point, causes one colour (or two?) to drop from 255 to 0. Effectively suddenly causing your image to suddenly look very red if say red remains around 255, and the other curves look like parabolas.  I had this several times in 3.0.8. I have had it once with 3.0.12. Very hard to reproduce, or possibly I have lost the novice touch. I can't seem to force it, and when it does happen you think 'how did I do that...'. I am working with white rightmost in RGB which I still think is possibly a contributing factor but to be honest it is so rare it could just be coincidence. I did work for a long time with black rightmost with 3.0.12 to start with and did not have the problem.

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Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:19 pm

Peter, thanks for posting this.  This is exactly the kind of detailed information I need for the beta.

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