Defect: 3.0.12 minimize and resize don't work

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:47 am

On my XP SP3 box, unlike 3.0.8, this CM Elements beta only seems to let you close the window using the window buttons (giving you the return... discard options). It opens maximized, and I can't resize etc. Really painful even to report issues if I can't work with 2 windows without recourse and the task manager/switch to. Any chance of a rebuild/quick fix?

Also 3.0.12 did not ask to uninstall 3.0.8. It did ask me if I wanted to keep my backup. It just installed on top. I assume that is OK. It reports 3.0.12 in help about, and the plugin date looks OK. If I uninstall 3.0.12 everything seems to be left installed (it still works, everything still present bar the back up I asked to have removed, assuming one was left to remove).

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