Now what?

The Curvemeister 3 beta test. Please post and discuss bugs, screen shots, suggestions, and any other information about your testing. This board is only visible to Curvemeister 3 beta testers.
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Postby derekfountain » Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:16 am

First, congratulations Mike on shipping an excellent product. We beta testers couldn't have done it without you.  ;)

Now, what happens to this forum and the discussions in it? Clearly there's a little life left in one or two of the topics, but for the most part they're moot since decisions have been taken.

Do you now want to move these sorts of discussions into the public areas so everyone can partake? i.e. move to the "wish list" forum or similar? That might produce a "can't see the wood for the trees" sort of problem.

Or do you plan to keep releasing unofficial builds to the beta testers to test new ideas? Should we keep suggesting and discussing new ideas here?

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Postby -default » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:33 am

This is the first time I've done a beta with a group, as opposed to one on one emails, and I've found the experience to be very positive.  This is easily the best beta group I've worked with, and that includes professional settings I've worked in.  I would like to keep the energy going as a source of new ideas and discussion.

My suggestion, and I'd like to hear from others, is that we move the threads that are still active here to a public group, calling it something like "Curvemeister 3, Suggested Features" (needs a better name - Greg?).  There will continue to be beta versions - though not on the same schedule, more like one every three weeks - and we could discuss them there.  This would be very valuable.

As for not being able to do it without me - it's mutual.  This discussion group was a driving force for the new features, as well as for fixing crashes (hi Gloria ::)).  Just for kicks I re-installed the first beta, and the difference in the two versions is unreal.  Well over  half, of these improvements were due to input and discussion from the members of this group.  I hope we can continue to keep this lightning in a bottle

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:52 pm

All very nice to hear, Mike. Things are just getting more and more interesting, and it would be a great shame not to take advantage of such mighty energy. And Howie, it seems, is in hog heaven having found such a nice group of geeks (hi Mike :)

Thinking cap, Greg, thinking cap.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:33 am

There are a lot of options.  Mike is up for whatever sounds good for all the contributors (meaning between struggling over the Kagi purchase page and some other stuff, he said "yeah, umm...."). 

Do folks want a public forum or continue in an invitation-only one?  There are advantages both ways.

Here are some of the things Mike would like to get:
      Beta testing for update releases (Curvemeister and so on)
      Ideas for the distant Curvemeister 4.0 from people who have a sophisticated understanding of Photoshop and Curvemeister. 
      Bug and problems reports from people who, once again, understand what CM should and shouldn't have done.
      Marketing ideas. (Well, no, he doesn't want those, but he needs those.)
      Energy and good humor.  There were days when only the Beta forum kept him sweating over a hot keyboard, when reading a compliment or a specific problem or a suggestion about how to handle a tangled feature motivated him out of just staring at the screen and moaning.  Working all alone can be discouraging--you guys have kept him happy and made this release happen.

He does want bug reports and feature ideas from every client, but there are advantages to an Inner Sanctum (but no silly hats ...unless you want to).  So--ideas on how this should be set up?  Or have it open and get new ideas, until next actual beta?

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Postby ggroess » Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:35 am

I'd re-name "wish list" to "requested feature discussion."

Preface it with a general call for new ideas, requests for gentle critique of current functionality, and a promise to look into all requests to determine ease of use over specific functions that suit only a very select group.... "I want my turnip twaddler pink..not the shade of blue you have it now..."

Set them free and let the discussion flow....

I have just caught up on my what a dynamic response...Mike, you should be on cloud 100

There are always ways to tweak the numbers...
There are always quick and dirty solutions....don't fall for them too often...

There is never enough time for everyone to have everything...I feel very strongly that you have done a huge service to photography and imaging....I like the idea of PS being the plug-in for CM...I find myself going to CM first almost every time I open PS.  

A deep and very humble salute to you Mike... and let's get some of these ideas and solutions out onto the Wiki everyone so all can benefit  The tip sheets for newbies were one of the first set of articles out on the Wiki...Since everyone agrees it needs help...Please help it...

Still exploring the seat of government...


Addendum..I like the inner sanctum Idea...It could be a working group for the ideas generated in the open discussion...We could also take up some slack from Mike if needed so he does not feel he has to respond instantly to each complaint, question or threat delivered to the forum...

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