Curvemeister 3 shipped on Oct 22

New versions of Curvemeister, including bug fixes and features, are discussed here.
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Postby mdavis » Wed Oct 24, 2007 1:55 am

Another minor glitch, perhaps unique to my system, is that Ctrl-R and Ctrl-F1 pop up my Nvidia menu, not toggle the Ribbon bar.  Not a complaint, just an FYI.

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Postby mdavis » Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:01 am

Also, no mention that the mouse wheel also controls zoom in/out of the image.  Nice touch, and much handier than the multiple click zoom tool.

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Postby -default » Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:04 am

Thanks, Mike.  I happened to have this open, and the changes are now on the online version of the manual, and *should* be in the next release:

I'll add something about the mouse wheel too.

Ctrl-R is not used for the ribbon control any more, and has been changed (I believe) to reflect this.

BTW - (also not mentioned in the manual) you can reconfigure the shortcut keys any way you want, so if you get a collision, such as the ctrl-F1, you can reassign a key combination of your own choosing.

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Postby BBushe » Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:12 pm

sheesh, my first look left me impressed, but I didn't even scratch the surface. This is like a whole new program. I'm amazed.

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Postby -default » Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:53 pm

Thanks, Brian.  There is a lot of functionality buried under the surface.  I'm pretty happy with this rev, but it never hurts to hear it from someone who is actually using it. :-)

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Postby DougJ » Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:35 am

pmfji here, Mike, but I've been trying to buy an upgrade to C3, but without success.

Kagi gives me an error, every time.  I've posted the error to bugs at kagi but have had no response, nor is the problem fixed.

This can't be good for sales. ;)



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Postby -default » Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:29 am

You're telling me!  I'm sorrier than you are about it. 

There were some bumps in the road, but I think it works now.  If you can't get your serial number, minus the hyphens, to work as a coupon code, buy the upgrade version directly and your order will be processed manually, usually the same day.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:04 pm


I'm a new user and have downloaded the demo version of Curvemeister 3.  My pin pallette does not have individual colors for the pins - they are all blue.  When you put the cursor on them, the color is described in text, but you cannot see the actual color.  Is there a setting that changes this?


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Postby -default » Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:56 am

I've heard of this happening occasionally - one common cause of this is to have your video card set to 256 colors, or even 16 colors.  To check this, right click on the desktop, select Properties, click the Advanced button, and click on the Settings tab.  If this is the case for your system, try setting your video card to 24 or 32 bits.

I'll be moving this to the Curvemeister Bugs board in the near future so that other people will be able to find it.

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:32 pm

(I sent this message to sales too but thought I'd try both input venues).  My computer with Curvemeister died a couple of weeks ago.  I have my 'serial number' for my Curvemeister product but it isn't installed on my new computer.  I've also upgraded from Photoshop CS2 to CS3 and the new computer is running Vista.  Sooooo, if I purchase the new version and enter my old 'serial number' will I get a whole new version of only and update?  I need the whole thing.  Hope this makes sense to you - it's starting to confuse me. 

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