Beta 2.4.1

New versions of Curvemeister, including bug fixes and features, are discussed here.
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Joined: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 am

Postby -default » Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:07 pm

Beta version 2.4.1 is here:

  • Added floating color pins. You may now"float" a Hue/Sat pin by dragging one of the curve control points. This feature is a color version of floating neutrals.  It allows you to do things like preserve a particular hue when adjusting overall brightness in RGB, or keep one hue constant while adjusting another one by watching the numbers.

  • Fixed a problem with sample palettes sometimes extending past the right edge of the image preview window. The palettes now re-locate themselves correctly.

  • Changed curve drag behavior to prevent removing a curve control point that was created by a pin. You must now delete the pin to remove its control points.

Once this version has been shaken out for a bit, I'll update the demo to also include these features, so prospective buyers can check them out. 

Although I will continue to fix obvious bugs, this is the last release of Curvemeister 2 - now it's on to Curvemeister 3!

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