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Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:39 pm
by -default
It's official - Adobe has announced the Photoshop CS5 release date: April 12, 2010.  If you own CS, the clock is ticking - here's why.

Adobe only supports upgrades across two major revs.  For CS folks, this means that CS4 will be your last Photoshop version eligible for upgrade pricing.  With a little timing, you can upgrade to CS5.

There is a strategy by which CS owners can jump ahead four revs instead of three, saving a substantial amount of money.  Adobe has a policy of offering free upgrades to any customer who purchases CS4 after CS5 has been announced.  This means, as an owner of CS, you can get the upgrade pricing for CS5 *if* you purchase CS4 before April 12, 2010.  After that time, you will need to pay the full retail price, which is substantially more.

The offer is not automatic.  You will need to contact Adobe to get the free  upgrade to CS5.

(Note - an earlier version of this announcement mistakenly stated that this window of opportunity applied to owners of CS2, not CS.  Owners of CS2 and later versions can purchase CS5 at any time.