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Postby sjordan93436 » Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:59 am

;Steve Jordan pins
Blue Jean Lab(70,-6,-8) Pin hue and saturation
Brussel sp Lab(84,-5,12) Pin hue and saturation
dirt road Lab(85,3,15) Pin hue and saturation
Lettuce Lab(77,-15,43) Pin hue and saturation
Lompoc Hill Lab(58,-6,33) Pin hue and saturation
Lyon Lab(77,-6,30) Pin hue and saturation
Lyon leaf dark Lab(79,-6,19) Pin hue and saturation
Sangria Lab(78,21,12) Pin hue and saturation
Sangria leaf Lab(95,-4,9) Pin hue and saturation
Broccoli Lab(73,-9,19) Pin hue and saturation
Fiesole Lab(49,33,8) Pin hue and saturation
Fiesole leaf Lab(90,-3,9) Pin hue and saturation

My pin file with tabs not spaces.  My broccoli is a Lab (73,-9,19), but some of the broccoli is like x,-9,4 or more green than yellow.  The lettuce is -15,43 which is yellow.

With plants an absolute pin does not work. I will try again after I try to merge two stitched panos.

Merging two panos requires move, free transform, rotation, and finally puppet warp. I don't know if it will be worth the effort.
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Postby ggroess » Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:03 pm

You really are touching on Memory Colors here. You are correct in that there is no "absolute" in vegetation which is why we use the hue clocks and "accept" regions that seem normal in the frame.  I could probably find enough variation in the head of the broccoli to drive you insane as well as me. 

If I were doing what you are...I would come up with 3 or 4 pins that are a range for Broccoli  etc.  and then look at boundaries like we have for skin tones and put the broccoli in an acceptable range rather than a sample dependent "box".  Lighting, plant health, time of year are all variables that would change the absolute color of the plant along with genetic differences between two plants. 

Just as skin tone on a person can change from day to day...exercise, sunburn etc...

By the way...the cube is great for a single set of images but you would have to shoot it every time before you shoot the final image under the same lighting.  I tried one out and what I found was that I was as good at finding the neutrals as I was at using the cube...FWIW.

Just some thoughts

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