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Postby imported_julie » Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:12 am

HI Steve

I look forward to seeing what you have done
Hope you dont mind my suggestion/action
I cropped the image as the big white building just kept pulling my attention away form the colours
Just cropped, nothing else

img_1177web-ssm-jpg (296.55 KiB) Viewed 22647 times

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Postby sjordan93436 » Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:37 am

Ganna- you are probably right. The best is to start over and use adaptive wide angle.

Julie- interesting take.  I brighten up the square, and especially the church. Artistically you are right. The big white church is the national church with much gold inside. i was hoping that the sun would appear to be coming from the right lighting it up. I could take away the extra light. I was trying to make it the center point, but maybe it is a dull center point.

Thanks for you comments. I printed it 8 by 26, and will sleep on it. Somewhere there is a good print there.

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Postby sjordan93436 » Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:33 am

Version is post stich, no crop, some color correction, no boost.

Version 2 cropped, etc.

There was some funkiness on the left and it was too "white" anyway. The lens correction leveling was close, but one of the buildings is still (or back) off a little.
quitover0-jpg (199.38 KiB) Viewed 22647 times
quitover3-jpg (233.25 KiB) Viewed 22647 times

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Postby imported_julie » Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:02 am


Also, the one with the blown out sun.
I sort of like it blown out
Love the patterns in the image


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Postby imported_ganna » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:19 am

Steve, this look so much better. You can hang it on your wall now :)

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Postby sjordan93436 » Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:43 pm

Thank you for the input. The Quito photo had detail and some noise. Pushing and pulling colors and lens correction made a mess out of both. You cannot see all of it at web resolution. I can see at web posting a graininess which does not work. I went back to the original raw files and did a better correction before stitching. I used few steps. The result is a much cleaner image. One of the rules is don't be afraid to start over.

Another rule is don't be lazy and go back to the rejects...  Maybe I will start another thread.

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Postby ggroess » Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:17 pm

Hey Steve,

While highly sample dependent this one seems to be too Cyan....

capture-jpg-3 (96.67 KiB) Viewed 22647 times

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Postby sjordan93436 » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:41 pm

You are right. I think I need to run several curves on it. The simple Lab or RGB make the road yellow. The hills are naturally blue with the haze, but I would like to cut that. This is not a Margulis 90 sec fix.  Most of the time with a big complex issue I have to hand paint masks and the correct each element.  I will try a few more times, before I resort to that. Hmmm.... I think I will open to original images in ACR then re stitch. That really helped Quito.

Broccoli on the left is blue er than lettuce on the right. I think I will try to develop pins for broccoli, lettuce, and artichoke leaves. (not the most popular or needed pins).

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Postby sjordan93436 » Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:18 am

Well, I went to the ranch and developed ping for the various crops, dirt roads, and hillsides (and blue jeans). I went back to other photos and pinned them. Did the move around the pin in different color spaces. The colors are not absolute like a car, but a better start. I think I am starting to like it. I will spend sometime painting back in the overblown sun area and hills.
lr-normal-merged2-jpg (216.28 KiB) Viewed 22647 times

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Postby ggroess » Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:45 pm

Steve...I know you want to save the Broccoli but....

It appears to be way too cyan...See screen shot attached:
shot1-jpg (292.32 KiB) Viewed 22647 times

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