Thank you Mike Russell

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Postby ggroess » Tue May 14, 2013 4:31 pm

While this may sound self serving;  I want to thank Mike Russell publicly and  LOUDLY for adding Hue clocks to Curvemeister.

I just finished watching the new Dan Margolis video as a part of the PPW materials and was astounded at how hard it was to see what the heck Dan was doing, which sample point he was working on, and how he was making determinations for the changes he was making.

He was switching between RGB and LAB on the fly in the Info panel, making RGB corrections using the LAB information, and generally confusing the hell out of anyone watching.  Some of the descriptions he was using did not match up to the parts of the image he was working on and at one point he was adjusting a sample point using the wrong sample data from the Info panel.  What a mess...

All of these troubles are eliminated from the process by using the Curvemeister hue clocks.  They are large, clear, and connected by a red line to the sample point right on the image.  You KNOW which point you are looking at because of the nice red line leading you right to the sample.  You know which color space you are looking at and you can make LAB corrections in LAB space without mode switching in Photoshop.

For that I personally want to Thank Mike....

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Postby mikemeister_admin » Tue May 14, 2013 4:51 pm

hear hear - that's why I copied him!!
I can not work without Info Clocks inside or outside of CM

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Postby sjordan93436 » Tue May 14, 2013 5:15 pm

I agree.  Hue clocks are great.  Nothing like it in the Mac world.  One of my projects is to do a hue clock with markings for proper hues.  Like, this is optimal range for skies and bad sky.  I think I know this, but it would be nice to keep it by the monitor.  With lots of experience and a when you are at a good monitor, the info could be serviceable, but why bother?  (unless you are Mac). 

I am going through the new book, and will give my impressions soon, but my "day job" is rather demanding right now.

Thank you Mike. 

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Postby imported_ganna » Tue May 14, 2013 5:31 pm

Not only for the clocks, but thank you Mike and Greg for CM and for what you have taught us ;D

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Postby -default » Wed May 15, 2013 12:05 am

WOW, everyone, this makes my day!  Thanks.

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