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Welcome to the new site!

By June 19, 2014July 29th, 2014Blog, Community, Curvemeister, Help & Support, Latest, News

We have updated the Curvemeister site to freshen the look, inject some new ideas, and generally just “get more modern”.   Also, most importantly, we are considering ways to get our blogs out there on the main web page, and to allow you, our customers and others who are interested in curves and color correction, a way to comment on the items that we post.

The main forum is still there, and is the preferred place to get your questions answered, find out about new releases, beta versions, and so forth.  We are working on a way to integrate the forum with this web page, but at the moment you need to create a new account, or use facebook or google to login to the new site.

The new site will be hosting more than just the sales and information for Curvemeister.  We are going to try to resurrect the Curvemeister Challenge by using some of the tools available to us on the new site, we will be moving the classes here in the very near future, and we are linking all of the teaching and conference call videos to the site as well.

Look for Curvemeister in other social media.  We have a Pinterest site, a Facebook presence, as well as Twitter, and our forum.

We want to hear from you and welcome any feedback both positive and negative about the site, the plugin and the classes.

Mike Russell and Greg Groess

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